Well Phillip and I decided to give blogging another try. We tried it last year but got busy and forgot to post after Christmas. So here we are again, one year later. Since our last post We have added a new addition to our family. Beckham Ross Knight. He was born on July 28 of this year. We are so blessed to have such a sweet baby boy in our home. We could not have asked for a sweeter more laid back child than this. He is amazing and the apple of his momma's eye.
Parker is now 2 and half. And we are potty training. Enough said. Each and every day is a whirl wind of adventure with Parker. He is definitely our spirited child. In his own little 2 yr old world he is the ruler. Everything must follow suite with his demand or command. He keeps us on our toes. But we would never trade him for anything. He has grown us alot. He is also very good at melting our hearts. He gave me a big teddy bear hug the other day after a spanking and told me that I was his "prettiest girlfriend ever". now how do you scold a boy after that. I love being his prettiest. :)
Phillip is still going to school and working harder than ever. I am proud to say that through these tougher times he holds his head high and knows that God has a plan and will always provide. I am so proud of him for working as hard as he does and staying dedicated to his goals. It's looking like he will be graduating in May of 2010. Thank You Jesus! He has done and is doing an amazing job balancing both his career life and his family life. He is an wonderful husband and the best daddy to our beautiful children. Him and Parker are the best of buds. They lay together every night before bed so they can sing their "special songs". (One night I will have to film it and post it.
As for me I am staying busy raising these amazing boys God has entrusted me with. It is such a privilege to be home with them daily teaching them and loving on them. I am also so pleased to say how blessed I have been with the great friends God had brought into my life. With out them sometimes I feel like I am going to just throw in the towel and quit; but everyone is so encouraging and thoughtful. Thank you all for always being there for me.
Enough on us... I hope this time we can stay committed to this blog so every one will know what crazy things our family is going now.
Yay for blogging! This may be the only way we can keep up with each other :) it seems like we always miss each other when we try to get together.