Wednesday, April 22

More Picture Updates

This is the best smile I could get outta him...
Beckham is a natural he loves his picture taken!
Silly Beckham always hammin it up!
Parker has been wanting to give Beckham a ride on his tractot since he got it. However it doesnt have seat belts and I know that with the way Parker srives the thing Beckham would go flyin' out. So yesterday I gave in and strapped Beckham to the seat with a belt. :) Both boys loved it. ?Beckham rode for a good 15 minutes. 

Arent they so cute!
Beckham enjoying Parkers Easter picnic at CDO
Parker at his CDO Easter Picnic
Parker got his arm stuck in this toy he thought it was funny until he realized it was REALLY stuck and we had to use oil to get it out!
I bet he never tries that again! LOL

Parkers Birthday Party

So Behind on Blogging!

WOW I cant believe i have blogged in over a month! Where has the time gone? I don't have time to explain everything that has gone on in the last month but I will let the pictures tell the story! 

First off I cant believe I didn't blog this/share this sooner. This is my official black mail picture of Parker. It will be shown to all girlfriends! lol

Beckham helping Poppi load the dishwasher

Beckham standing on his own!!! 7.5 months!!
Beckham devouring an orange.
My Handsome boy!
Parker all clean (it is rare)