Tuesday, April 26

Simple Things That Make Me Smile

 Do you ever find pleasure in the simply things that happen or you use in your normal daily life? Have you ever actually put any thought into those little things that make you smile. I had a moment of reflection and gratitude last for everything in my life both Big and Small. Silly and Serious. I wish moments of sincere gratitude came my way more often. More times then none I feel bratty and selfish and un grateful. But really if I stop and slow down and reflect on where God has brought me, what he has done for me and what he has given me. I am blessed beyond measure and blessed way beyond what I deserve. God has provided me Big Blessing and Tiny Blessings but none the less they ARE ALL BLESSINGS!

A few things that make me Smile...

1) My morning cup of coffee

2) CLOROX wipes!!!! I cannot live with out them!!!!

3) Movie nights on non school night with the boys and our little treats to go along with it. 

4) 3 hour naps with my baby

5) Beckham in his monster towel and how he insists on being bundled up to scare daddy after bath each night.

6) The endless Light Saber battles in my living room to BLARRING Star Wars movies scores.

7) How Parker draws me little pictures of things I love (this one is a Lady Bug)

8) How Parker (and Beckham) are at all times one of the Super Heros. Today is Batman (yes that is face paint)

9) How my Batman thinks he is too big for naps but really... He isn't....

10) Our Adoption!!!! And seeing little "M's face in frames all over my house. 

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