Monday, October 14

Weekend Favorites

We had a really full and fun weekend. It has left me feeling tired today and this rainy weather isn't helping. We are loving this rainy fall weather though. It is such a breath of fresh air after the summer like weather we have been having the last 2 weeks. Today is a perfect day to curl up on the couch with a blanket and some coffee. But seeing how it is a homeschool day I don't see this being a reality. Maybe we will catch up on our library reading times today.

Here are some of our favorite moments this weekend.
 photo IMG_4636_zps806bbb0d.jpg We had our friends Wynne, Camp and Asher over for dinner Friday night and we played outside until way past dark. I am sad I didnt snap a single picture of our fun evening with the Elders.  

Saturday we took the kids to the Annual Air show out at the Commemorative Ariforce Base photo IMG_4739_zps24a81cc9.jpg photo IMG_4766_zps46870b3c.jpg photo IMG_4765_zps571d9c61.jpg We came home and discovered we had been "flocked" by some African Flamingos. One of our favorite families from our church is planning on going to South Africa in November and they are busy flocking many yards in hopes of raising some funds. I think this is such a fun and creative idea to fundraise! I love it and the kids loved finding these little birds in our lawn. photo IMG_4742_zps9f882d61.jpg Sunday greeted us with some MUCH NEEDED rain. Our land here in West Texas is very dry and a day of solid rain is so refreshing to our soil and to our souls. The kids adored running, playing and jumping in the rain for hours. We also enjoyed watching a couple of movies together too.  photo IMG_4764_zps1bc23f29.jpg
I hope your weekend was a fun as ours!


  1. such a fun weekend! loved our friday dinner! thanks again for having us over ;)

  2. I love the "flocking" idea! So cute!!!


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