Thursday, November 21

How to Have a Really Not So Good Day

I wanted to title this post: How to Have a Crappy Day. But I didn't want to offend anyone. But there, I said it anyway.

Do you ever have those days were you just make really poor choices from the moment you wake up until the moment you crawl back into bed. And when you do finally make it back into your bed, do you ever pull the sheets up completely over your head and just groan over the repeating thoughts of failure and bad choices made?

I have those days. Today (wednesday) I had one of those days. The night before I had made a poor choice by having a cup of coffee at 7pm and lots of sugar snacks to accompany it. I later found my self awake until 3:30am. Bad choice.

7:23am the rising sun had the audacity to wake my children from their peaceful slumber, leaving this momma feeling like she had been hit with a sledge hammer. I coaxed my 7 yr old into getting his siblings and himself some breakfast while I tried to get a few more minutes of sleep. Today (wednesday) was a homeschool day. We usually use this day to lounge in bed during these morning hours. But not today. Oh no! The children wanted to play. Once cereal was eaten, the wrestling and bickering began.

7:40am. Oh how I longed for just 1 more hour. I broke the cardinal rule that society tells you to keep. I let the TV babysit my children while I "rested" for just a few more moments. Not being able to sleep due to a Ninja battle taking place in the next room over, I decided to skip my quiet time and browse social media instead. Bad decision.

9:30am. Still laying in bed. Lazy bones. It took everything in me to get out of bed and be intentional about getting things done and homeschool completed.

10:30am. I remembered I needed to get caught up on some emails. I sat at the computer and get sucked into Christmas shopping and planning. Bad decision.

12:50pm. Homeschool still not done and I have a really stubborn child who refuses to open his folder and begin. Its just one of those days.

1:57pm. Sweet endearing children tell me they are starving. I realized we were well past our lunch hour. Remembering I needed to run by T.J. Maxx to get a jacket for my trip to New Jersey the following day, we loaded up and headed to Sonic and then to T.J. Maxx. Trip to T.J. Maxx + 3 kids = Bad decision.

2:30pm. While we walked through T.J. Maxx with slushies in hand, a fight between the littles broke out and Emme girl face plants it right in the middle of the main aisle with people watching and Red Cherry Slush goes every where. I start to sweat. See... Bad decision.

2:50pm. We got home tried to fight our way through homeschool. I hate rough homeschool days. I hate when we don't start our homework right away in the morning.

3:15pm. We had a nice little break when friends popped over for a few minutes.

5:30pm. Homeschool was still not done, laundry not finished for my trip, dinner not made nor planned and sheets still not put on the kids bed.

8:30pm. Sheets were still not on beds, dinner  was finally eaten, laundry rotated and homeschool getting wrapped up. Light at the end of the tunnel.

9:30pm. Kids are finally in their bed with clean sheets, laundry put away.

11:50pm. I got my bags all packed. Laundry all caught up. Kitchen still a wreck though and notes need to be made for the babysitter.

1:14am the next day. Still working on things and my alarm will go off at 5:00am. Maybe I will sleep on the plane.

Do you ever have days like this? Days where you can't seem to put your phone down or simply get your act together?

I have found that I have days like this when I make that first morning decision to not get up, to not get moving, I don't welcome Jesus into my day and I struggle to take charge. I know everyones day will be 100x's more enjoyable if I make the best and right decision first thing. But today, I didn't. I was selfish and I made some bad choices. I am thankful that tomorrow is a new day. I can start over and redeem the crappy day we just put to rest. Or maybe that can wait until Monday. I leave tomorrow for a little getaway with my Man! Oh how I need a little trip.

In the meantime... my house is getting Christmisified. Read that slowly. Now say it out loud. I think I might have made that word up. I kind like it.

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And if this little thing of love doesn't add a little sunshine to your crappy day then I don't know what else will. She kind loves me. I love her back.

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  1. Oh Jenna - this was my day yesterday! Minus the cherry slushies. But we had such a ninja battle that homeschool never happened and it got replaced by silly stuff on Facebook! OH, for do-overs!!!!! Thanks for this post!

  2. Jenna - Oh wow...I can't. even. tell. you. Yesterday was sooo one of those days! Glad his mercies are new every morning and then I get another chance at a fresh start today! Thanks for sharing your day and all it's bumps with us! Looking forward to meeting you in April! ~ Jen

  3. Love your decorations- can't wait to get my house Christmasified next weekend. I am DAILY trying to convince the hubs to let me bust out the decor, but I guess I've made it this far, I can wait until post Thanksgiving now. I hope you're having a maaaahvelous trip. :)

  4. Ohhhhh friend. I hate those days. I'm sorry you had a crappy day. But I love your honesty. Good reminder// I need to go to bed & stop reading blogs...


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It is always so appreciated.