Monday, May 6

Best Raffle Ever.

Our team has roughly $9,000 more to go before we are fully funded for our mission trip that is in 29 days.
29 days!!!
We have been working our tails off trying to get this trip funded. And we will continue to do so until we have reached our goal. Our current fundraiser is really exciting. I wish that I could enter myself.
We are doing an iPad mini raffle!
I want one of these bad boys.
We have made this raffle simple and easy for those of you who are out of town. Who work. Who go to school and for those of you who don't carry cash like myself.
We can accept:
And... the tickets are only $10 each. I mean we all have $10. Right?! I can spend that on 2 drinks at Starbucks. So I am going to be bold and ask...
Instead of Starbucks or Chick-fil-a or whatever ever else you are planning to spend your money on today, would you kindly consider purchasing a raffle ticket or 2 or 5 or maybe even 10 from our mission team instead?
We will be drawing the raffle on Friday May 24th. Just days before we leave. This could be your chance to win your sweet, handsome, strong manly-man husband an iPad mini for Father's day or one for yourself. (Did I mention that I really want one of these cute little things?)

Here's how you can enter this raffle. You know you want too. Simply click this image below and it will take you directly to the "checkout" page. All proceeds go towards our teams members. Some of are funded but however some of us are not. We believe FULLY that every person trying to raise money for this trip in intended to be on this trip. Sometimes we just have to be bold and humble and say "HEY! I need a little help. You have some change you can spare me?"

In scripture you can find God redeeming and restoring his people. The whole bible is about God bringing his people back to himself. From the beginning, after the fall, God was a missional God. A God that seeks out the nations. A God that reveals himself to people from all over the world.
In Mark you find Christ telling his people to "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to all creation."
In Matthew you find these words from the mouth of Christ himself "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always..."
In James you find "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." Some translations say "visit the orphans and widows".
9 people from our home church have listened to the command and have said "YES! I will go". We will be traveling to both Uganda and Ethiopia to bring the gospel and hope of Jesus and we need help from the rest of the church body to get us there.
Some people say "Isn't it a waste to spend $30,000 to get a bunch of people from America over to Africa when their are people here who could use that money." Others say "there's not a need, there are plenty of people who have already said yes and are there long term why send a team for only 10 days?"
I would like to respond by saying that it is not a waste. I have yet to come across a scripture that says "Don't go if people are already there." "Don't go for 10 days its not long enough to reach someone" "You cant change someones life in 10days. Save it for those who have committed their lives to those people."
I havent found any of this in God's word. I have simply found Go!
I believe that if God saw it fit to send his ONLY SON to DIE for the sake of saving and restoring a lost people then he would certainly spend 30,000 earthly dollars to reach the hearts of those in other and all nations.  And I certainly believe that 10 days is enough time to plant a seed of truth into the hearts of someone searching.

So again. I will ask you. Pray and see what you can do to help get us to Uganda and Ethiopia. And while doing it, you have a chance of winning a really cool iPad mini. Can you resist this little awesome gadget? I can't.

Your support means the world to us. We are so thankful for you. You obedience to give and send will be richly blessed.
I cant wait to see who wins this iPad mini. You lucky dog!

Bloggy Blah.

Double Blah.
I am in a slump.
I blame it on busyness.
I hate busyness. It sucks the life and creativity right out of me. When life is fast paced I loose sight of the beautiful simple things in life. I struggle to find things that inspire me.
When life is busy, simplicity dies. I love simplicity.
Simple life is the best life. I enjoy my days in the slow lane. Zipping here and there. Running everywhere. It just isn't my thing.
I dream of lazy summer days. Rising around 9. Lingering around the kitchen. Sitting on my porch with a good book and sipping iced coffee from a mason jar. Packing a little picnic and soaking in the rays of the hot west texas sun by the pool. These days are waiting just around the corner and I will welcome them with big open arms.
This summer holds a lot of adventure. I cant hardly wait.
We will close the month of May with a mini beach trip and an exciting graduation.
We will welcome June with a 12 day trip to Africa. Phillip and I leading a team of 9 from our church to Uganda+Ethiopia. We are partnering with Wynne and her hubby and their Man Up and Go team.  Our teams have merged and we couldn't be more thrilled about this adventure.
The last month has consisted of meetings, planning, fundraising, Instagram sales, Designer sales etc. It has been a whole lot of busy. A couple of weekends ago, we made a little over 800 brisket burritos for a fundraiser at our church. We chopped brisket for 5+ hours and the next day we spent 6+ hours rolling those burritos and pouring 8 gallons of salsa into little 1 oz. containers. Let me just say...we wont be doing that again anytime soon. But God did show up and he blessed all of our efforts. We made $3,900 that day. What a blessing.

We leave for Africa in 32 days. We still have alot to do between now and then. Our team has a total of $9,100 to go before we are all fully .
If you are interested in helping send us. I have several really fun options that I will post about later today or tomorrow.

Stay tuned.
In the meantime I will be sitting here drinking my coffee and praising God that this is the LAST week of school for us! Summer...we are ready and waiting!!!